Sunday 4 September 2011

Vence 2011 Day 12 - Departure day

Sad day today. Four are going home leaving just Kate, Daryl and me to man the fort.

Peggy and Kelly leave together early in the morning - Peggy for her train to paris, Kelly for her flight to Gatwick. 

That leaves five of us to venture out in to Vence and have a long leisurely lunch in the main square of the old town. It wasn't intended to be long and leisurely, but it turned out the guy we thought was the waiter was also the cook and the cocktail barman (we think). So he would disappear for long periods and service was incredibly slow. Food was OK though. Well, mine was. Not sure everyone was quite so happy with theirs though. 

After more time around the pool at home in the afternoon, we all run Liv and Duncs to Nice Airport and then head off back to Cannes to take Daryl to Baoli as she wanted to see it. It's still lovely, not to mention eyewateringly expensive!

It's not quite the same doing the run in the BMW though...

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