Wednesday 16 March 2011

San Cassiano, Alta Badia, 2011 - Day 5, Wednesday

The plan for today is that I will do ski school as usual in the morning, and that Daryl will join me for some skiing in the afternoon.

Two things mitigate against this.
  1. The weather is absolutely shit. It's pissing rain in the valley and blowing blizzards on the mountain. By the end of the lesson, I'm fed up, soaked through and haven't been able to see any further than the guy in front of me's arse all morning.
  2. Daryl has walked the dog and is still knackered, but she gamely tries some skiing. After two runs, it's time to call it a day.
So it's back to base for more swimming pool, hot tub and spa, followed by what must be one of the best massages I've ever had. It's really strong and gets deep into all the knots that pathetic aromatherapy massages and whale music just can't make a dent in.

It's so good, I book another one straight away for Friday.

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