Friday 18 March 2011

San Cassiano, Alta Badia, 2011 - Day 7, Friday

The last day. And it's a goodun.

No ski school today, so I'm on my own for the morning, and with Daryl for the afternoon.

I decide that some company would be nice for the morning's skiing, so get in touch with Icaro once again, who shows up with his lovely, multi-talented missus - a native and active Ladino. We three zip off into the mountains for the morning. Not my greatest skiing venture I have to admit, and I fall over three times – put it down to the legs not being used to all this exercise I've been getting this week. 

Finally, finally I manage to actually see some of the Dolomites. The weather clears just enough around the resort to see some magnificent peaks. Tomorrow the weather is forecast lovely. Tomorrow, of course, we leave before the sun gets above the mountains! Bugger.

Daryl joins us for a scrummy light (by Italian standards) lunch and then she and I go off on our own. Somehow I get a bit lost and we end up being slightly late back for my fantastic massage. Not a major problem as I get my neck and shoulders sorted at least!

We're booked into the very swanky Michelin-starred restaurant for supper, but neither of us feel like anything that rich or clever. So we have a great meal back in the Wine and Grill once more – and Daryl gets her wheat-free pizza.

Tomorrow there's the long trek home, with the added bonus of collecting Kate from Zurich airport on the way... More skiing still to come, only this time, in Switzerland.

Goodbye Rosa Alpina. Goodbye San Cassiano. Goodbye Alta Badia.

We WILL be back.

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