Friday 19 August 2011

Vence 2011 Day 1 - the drive down

You'd think we were moving house. The car is filled to the gunnels ( I like that word) with luggage - including our own sheets and duvet. We're driving down in convoy in the BMW (which is the workhorse carrying all the paraphernalia and the dog) and the Alvis which will be used for South of France cruises! satnav says 7 hours. We'll see...

...OK so 7 hours satnav plus roadworks, plus traffic, plus 30 minute queues at toll booths equals 11 hours driving! I am absolutely cream crackered. I was driving the Alvis, which is lovely at low speeds and/or in cool weather, but at high speeds and in 35 degrees of blazing sun it isn't funny. And it also has an annoying quirk that it blows boiling hot air from the engine straight at the occupants. Plus it blows hot air directly at the driver from the gearstick gaiter. I have been fan baked completely. I am drenched, drained and braindead.

Sign of the day: At the start of tunnels in Italy if they want to warn you of anything at the end (high winds, say) they put a sign at the beginning with an icon of the danger (a wind sock, for example) followed by the words 'A FINE TUNNEL'. This looks much more like a review than a caution.

The house, though is absolutely incredible. and the view is stunning... I'll take a picture when I can work out how my body functions. In the meantime, these are from the house's website:



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