Thursday 25 August 2011

Vence 2011 Day 5 - Fireworks...

Well, today I'm having my first car-related issue...

The Alvis is leaking oil from the filter. I don't know how serious it is yet. There is a nasty drop of about 4 inches on the drive into the house and I suspect that it has scraped along the bottom of the filter and has either losened it or broken it. I will check it more when the engine is cold. Mind you it's not all bad. If it is a problem, then I can have the car recovered either back to Zurich or back to the UK. Then I don't have to drive it in this heat! I think if I take the Alvis a long way again, I might trailer it.

So what else happened today? Well, we went into Vence for a look around. It's a really pretty town with lots of delightful shops and beautiful old buildings. Sort of St Paul lite, but much more down to earth for all that. The produce shops are amazing and everything looks so delicious. It's a wonder everyone isn't enormous here! I make two purchases - a belt (because my trousers are all too big for me nowadays) and a 'steel' because all the knives in the house are totally blunt. I hate blunt knives - they are just pointless (sic).

After that it's back to the house for lunch and a swim.

Then I realise that I need to go back into town for another belt (the other one was great value) and also some goggles so I can swim faster. The trip to the goggles shop sees me leaving with goggles, yes, but also two pairs of shorts that fit better than ones I have, and a couple of pairs of swimming trunks for the same reason. I like this getting thinner. An excuse to chick out my dated wardrobe is always good.
In the evening we're off to Cannes for the fireworks display. I LOVE fireworks! The Cannes Festival do Pyrotechniques is one of the best in the world and I'm really looking forward to it. And it lives up to my expectations. Spectacular is n expreession tht can be overused. This was spectacular. I now have plans for my own firework display...

The drive back to the house after midnight was great fun in the BMW. Lots of bends and lots of grunt are a fantastic combination when there's no dog in the car to worry about.

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