Wednesday 1 December 2010

Soneva Fushi - Day 3

This morning we were determined to get up before breakfast had finished! And we did, but the amazing buffet was not quite as sumptuous as usual as the rain had confined the service area to space just the size of a tennis court!

After breakfast we headed off our our diving refresher. It was awful. The little dive took place on the reef where there were large waves and a very strong current. It was dire. Daryl scratched her knees and I lost my camera. Fortunately, this was found again. However, we decided that we weren't prepared to do the refresher in this way. We suggested that since we had a pool at our villa, that the mask removal bit etc. could be done there. They agreed, and at 3:00pm we successfully proved that we could actually dive – at least in a pool!

The rest of the day was spent relaxing and watching the boxed set that we had brought along on this holiday – Breaking Bad. An excellent series from America.

For dinner this evening we had already booked one of the other restaurants in the Resort – Fresh in The Garden – as mentioned earlier. It had rained earlier in the evening – hence the DVD watching – but by the time we showed up for one of the best meals I have ever had, the evening had cheered up and we were dry throughout!

Fresh In the Garden is a totally organic restaurant here and they served one of the best meals I have ever had anywhere – and that includes the Fat Duck. The service was of course impeccable, but the flavours and textures in the food were out of the world – which given the proximity of the stellar observatory was only fitting. The desserts were almost wicked – which is the only way a dessert should be, and the first courses a delightful preparation for the the main event. About which I have to say that I have never had simple grilled tuna so perfectly seasoned or so perfectly cooked to my liking – rare and seared.

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