Friday 3 December 2010

Soneva Fushi - Day 6

You can probably tell from the fact that these journal entries get shorter as the days go on that I am relaxing. In fact I have never relaxed faster on holiday than I have here. Probably that's the atmosphere that this place induces. Everyone is incredibly laid back and it's catching. Today was a chill out on the beach kind of day. In fact we did very little but loaf until it was time for our sunset dolphin cruise.

We had not expected a great sunset as it had been a bit cloudy, much of the afternoon but the blue skies peeked through the cloud and we had a really lovely trip. Champagne flowed, canapes on tap too... And what's more we actually saw dolphins! A big school of them came up to the boat and started playing with us. They even leapt out of the water 'SeaWorld' style – but these were wild dolphins, not trained ones. It was fantastic to see them in their natural environment and very special indeed.

We returned to shore having witnessed these wonderful creatures and a magnificent sunset in time to take our places at the best table there is at Fresh In The Garden – the starlight table. This is a table in a separate area of the restaurant under the stars. It was fantastic to just lay on cushions looking at the stars and enjoying yet another fantastic meal. We were going to visit the Observatory after dinner, but it had become a little cloudy and there wasn't much point in staring at stars through a telescope when they were all a bit blurry. We did see Jupiter, however briefly, and that was quite interesting. But not very...

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