Sunday 4 September 2011

Vence 2011 Day 14 - home alone

Today is the first day since last Monday week that we have had the whole house all to ourselves and it feels sort of empty without the others. We've had such a lovely time with them here. We're starting to make plans for the next one and we're including having company on that one too.

The day seems to go by quite slowly as we're basically just tidying up and waiting for the long trek home tomorrow. But that seems to be the way with lots of holidays - it's one of the reasons why I like to leave early for the journey home whenever we go away.

After a chilled day by the pool (the first when we have had quite a bit of cloud cover incidentally...) it's time eventually to go back up to the house and start to pack for tomorrow's journey.

Bye, bye, Vence. It was fun.

Vence 2011 Day 13 - And then there were two...

Just Kate and Daryl and me at the house now. What to do today? Well, there's the posh hotel just up the hill that the helicopters keep visiting. let's have a go at that. Chateau St Martin de Vence is dead posh and lunch is lovely in the olive groves. 


Kate decides to have a pedicure and the 45 minute treatment takes almost two hours. We're beginning to get used to this elastication of time now... I imagine Esther Rantzen at the next table is thinking of calling someone about it...

After lunch there's time to chill out by the pool at home and I take a nap. 

By the time I'm up, it's time for Kate to go to Nice, so Daryl takes her off and when she gets back we have a quite night in front of the telly together. Sometimes, that's just what the doctor ordered.

Vence 2011 Day 12 - Departure day

Sad day today. Four are going home leaving just Kate, Daryl and me to man the fort.

Peggy and Kelly leave together early in the morning - Peggy for her train to paris, Kelly for her flight to Gatwick. 

That leaves five of us to venture out in to Vence and have a long leisurely lunch in the main square of the old town. It wasn't intended to be long and leisurely, but it turned out the guy we thought was the waiter was also the cook and the cocktail barman (we think). So he would disappear for long periods and service was incredibly slow. Food was OK though. Well, mine was. Not sure everyone was quite so happy with theirs though. 

After more time around the pool at home in the afternoon, we all run Liv and Duncs to Nice Airport and then head off back to Cannes to take Daryl to Baoli as she wanted to see it. It's still lovely, not to mention eyewateringly expensive!

It's not quite the same doing the run in the BMW though...

Friday 2 September 2011

Vence 2011 Day 11 - the Vence Olympics

Today starts with me showing Alex and Oli the town in Vence and buying a joint of lamb to send them off later on it the day with a nice meal to remember.

We return and I try to cook it only to have this interrupted by the EDF guy coming over to replace a fuse in the main fuse box and that delays things somewhat.

Now the rest of this is just hearsay because I was cooking but during the delay there were a lot of pool games apparently, including the Vence triathlon which involved rubber ring racing, the water slide and diving for a stone. Oli was the judge and I think Kelly won, but I might be wrong...

Anyway, we havd a great lunch with yummy fresh lamb followed by most people having a kip - apart from Alex and Oli who had to go back to Blighty today.

After all the talk of Dirty Dancing we decide to watch the movie this evening. Most of us have seen it before, and enjoy watching it again. Those who have'nt seen it enjoy the kitchy schmaltzyness of it. We all, of course throw up at the sickly sweet ending.

Vence 2011 Day 10 - Perfume

We aren't that far from Grasse, the home of perfume and so we decide that a trip to the Fragonard factory in Grasse would be good.

It isn't after quite a long drive, we get there to find that the tour is little more than a thinly disguised sales pitch. It's in the old factory for sure, but nothing actually happens there except shopping.

If anyone every suggests going, don't bother.

After a weary drive back to the house, there's nothing for it but to chill by the pool and warn the others that it was a really bad idea.

In the evening, everyone gets together to cook for us and brings their own skills and talents to providing a lovely meal. It was nice to see everyone playing their part and having fun together in the kitchen. I think a lot of wine and cider was drunk before it was served!

After that, spurred on by the fun we had with games yesterday, we play another suggested by Kate - we all write down the names of people and characters and put them into a hat. Then we have to act out or get our teams to guess who we're trying to be. This is a great game and generates loads of laughter especially with strange answers to clues. One special one is when someone gets 'Homer Simpson' to do, the clues for which are I'm yellow and I'm a carton character. One suggestion is 'Jackie Chan'.

The evening ends with some people going to bed to the tune of so Long, farewell auf wiedersehn goodbye from the Sound of music... very funny.

Monday 29 August 2011

Vence 2011 Day 9 - Lunch and a magnificent drive

Today, we're treating our guests to lunch at a spectacular retaurant called le Mas Candille. It's a spectacular five star hotel with a Michelin starred restaurant. I have been liaising with 'Frederique' and have chosen a menu full of things I have never tried before. We head off in the Alvis and the BMW and get there in time to enjoy an amazing view.

It's amazing. Everything tastes absolutely wonderful and everyone is delighted with the location and the place and the food.

After lunch I drive the Alvis back. And that is one of the most awesome drives I have ever had. I set the TomTom for 'most direct route' and we follow some amazing roads twisting and turning through the hills and countryside.

In the passenger seat is Oli, and in the back are Liv and Duncan. On the stereo Ennio Morricone is playing some haunting and atmospheric music and at one point Liv starts singing along with one of the most beautiful tracks.

So there we are. I'm at the wheel of a gorgeous car with great company driving the most beautiful roads, and all this is accompanied by one of the world's greatest atmospheric music composers, and to top it off, a professional opera singer is providing the backing vocals. Life really doesn't get any better.

In the evening, however, it all gets very silly. Peg has thoughtfully brought along her Cranium game and although there is some reticence at first, everyone joins in and it is an absolute hoot. Everyone is laughing more than for quite some time and it's a huge success. One of the mimes is for the movie Dirty Dancing, and since the girls have been talking about lifts like in the film, they get it instantly!

After a couple of games it's time to pack up and look forward to the next day

Vence 2011 Day 8 - Cannes

Tonight we're all going for a night out in Cannes...

The rest of the day is spent by the pool, shopping and all the usual stuff.

The trip to Cannes is lovely. It's a balmy evening and the tunes are excellent, from metal to mathis. On arrival at Cannes at about 10.30, we've agreed to meet at the bar at the Carlton Hotel. The others park in various places - the Alvis is given pride of place right by the front door of the most exclusive hotel in Cannes!

After a couple of drinks, we lose the chaps (who are knackered from a week's international travel) and decide to head home about midnight. Then we head off to Kate's mate's bar on the beach which is nice, but there's a wedding on there with the world's worst DJ. We groan constantly at his ineptness. After another drink there, we lose four more and that just leave Kate, Kelly and me to partay. We head off to the end of season party at the Palais, but the VIP deal there is so weird that we really can't understand it. After faffing about for about 15 minutes we decide that the other club we've heard about is a much better bet, so head off in a taxi to le Baoli

As soon as we get there, it's a whole different story - we're called to the front of the queue and invited straight in. It's lovely inside. There;s an open air area with palm trees all around and a sort of large glass box in the middle with dancing and sofas and stuff. There are sparklers, dry ice and all the most glamorous women in Cannes. Can't really say the same for the blokes, though...

After a great night there, we head back to the Carlton and the Alvis at about 4:15, and get home about half an hour later. An excellent evening all round.

Vence 2011 Day 7 - Arrivals

Everyone who should be here is here (as they say in My Fair Lady)

It's nice to have a full house and the crowd are all good fun.

We'll see what they all get up to tomorrow...

Friday 26 August 2011

Vence 2011 Day 4 - Monaco

I have stupidly deleted this page. If anyone knows of a way of getting it back I'd be more than grateful...

The gist of it was that we went to Monaco. It was nice. We went in the Alvis and we had cocktails in the Hotel de Paris. Yum.

Thursday 25 August 2011

Vence 2011 Day 6 - Bricolage

...Or DIY as they would say if they didn't already have a great name for it.

The beds by the pool are falling to bits, so we need to repair them. I make a trip out to the 'SuperBricolage' in Cagnes but there's not much appropriate for fixing chairs there. So later on Peggy and I head for Mr Bricolage in Vence and success! We now have masses of inflatables including an executive chair inflatable with cup holder. We also have pool beds that aren't collapsing at random.

Dinner on the barbecue is Dorade Royale - the most I have ever seen fish cost! But it is delicious. However, wave after wave of mosquitoes are driving us indoors.

Vence 2011 Day 5 - Fireworks...

Well, today I'm having my first car-related issue...

The Alvis is leaking oil from the filter. I don't know how serious it is yet. There is a nasty drop of about 4 inches on the drive into the house and I suspect that it has scraped along the bottom of the filter and has either losened it or broken it. I will check it more when the engine is cold. Mind you it's not all bad. If it is a problem, then I can have the car recovered either back to Zurich or back to the UK. Then I don't have to drive it in this heat! I think if I take the Alvis a long way again, I might trailer it.

So what else happened today? Well, we went into Vence for a look around. It's a really pretty town with lots of delightful shops and beautiful old buildings. Sort of St Paul lite, but much more down to earth for all that. The produce shops are amazing and everything looks so delicious. It's a wonder everyone isn't enormous here! I make two purchases - a belt (because my trousers are all too big for me nowadays) and a 'steel' because all the knives in the house are totally blunt. I hate blunt knives - they are just pointless (sic).

After that it's back to the house for lunch and a swim.

Then I realise that I need to go back into town for another belt (the other one was great value) and also some goggles so I can swim faster. The trip to the goggles shop sees me leaving with goggles, yes, but also two pairs of shorts that fit better than ones I have, and a couple of pairs of swimming trunks for the same reason. I like this getting thinner. An excuse to chick out my dated wardrobe is always good.
In the evening we're off to Cannes for the fireworks display. I LOVE fireworks! The Cannes Festival do Pyrotechniques is one of the best in the world and I'm really looking forward to it. And it lives up to my expectations. Spectacular is n expreession tht can be overused. This was spectacular. I now have plans for my own firework display...

The drive back to the house after midnight was great fun in the BMW. Lots of bends and lots of grunt are a fantastic combination when there's no dog in the car to worry about.

Monday 22 August 2011

Vence 2011 Day 3 - A day to enjoy the house

Today begins with a dogwalk up the hill behind the house. It's a bit steep, but thankfully, as it's pretty early, the full heat of the day is yet to come. There are lots of fabulous properties on the hill, but I think ours has the nicest pool.

After the walk, it's back to the house and without thinking, I set off the burglar alarm. It's a very weird one, as the security service comes on the entryphone and asks for a password (which thankfully we have!). I've never come across one like that before and having a strange man talking to you in your kitchen is both disconcerting and reassuring at the same time.

Today's the day that Peggy arrives. I meet her in town in the Alvis and she follows me home in her rented Twingo. It's so nice to have her here. I've missed her whilst she's been in Dubai. Peggy was staying in our house before she came out, so thankfully she has been able to bring out all sorts of stuff that we had forgotten. My camera amongst them, so I can now take pictures not on the website! We are useless at remembering things to bring on holiday. I think the truth is that I used to be really anal, and plan meticulously with lists for holidays of all colours and sizes. Now I don't really care, so long as I have my computer and appropriate leads...

Anyway,it's a quiet afternoon - everything is shut Mondays, so we're out to a nearby village for supper today. The weather is still holding, and if anything it's even clearer today.

Sunday 21 August 2011

Vence 2011 Day 2 - Recovery Day

After all the effort put in yesterday, today is going to be chilled...

..and hot!

So step one is to head down to the pool. It's huge and warm and lovely - and it has a slide! It's lovely to swim in - even Buchan enjoys fetching balls from it! Tearing me away from it isn't easy, but there's the usual big shop to be done so we head off to the local Leclerc. It's huge and stocked with so much good stuff. I have never seen so much Rosé in my life! Seems a shame not to do a taste test..

Results later.

Meantime we need to schlep three boxes of groceries home. That done, it's back to the pool and time for a swim. Buchan loves swimming, so I trained him to work out how to get in and out of the pool and he's away - sometimes, he just swims for the hell of it.

The rest of the day is organising our guests for when they arrive later on in the week, getting Peggy to bring stuff out that we've forgotten and generally doing very little. Apart of course from more swimming...

Results just in: They're all good...

And the Pastis / Absinthe is lovely and refreshing as well...

Oh, one last thing. There was the most amazing fireworks display last night. It was on the coast which is probably about 6km away and it looked fantastic even at this distance. I was estimating the distance by timing the delay between seeing the show and hearing the appropriate bangs. We're off to see the big display in Cannes on Saturday. So looking forward to it.

Friday 19 August 2011

Vence 2011 Day 1 - the drive down

You'd think we were moving house. The car is filled to the gunnels ( I like that word) with luggage - including our own sheets and duvet. We're driving down in convoy in the BMW (which is the workhorse carrying all the paraphernalia and the dog) and the Alvis which will be used for South of France cruises! satnav says 7 hours. We'll see...

...OK so 7 hours satnav plus roadworks, plus traffic, plus 30 minute queues at toll booths equals 11 hours driving! I am absolutely cream crackered. I was driving the Alvis, which is lovely at low speeds and/or in cool weather, but at high speeds and in 35 degrees of blazing sun it isn't funny. And it also has an annoying quirk that it blows boiling hot air from the engine straight at the occupants. Plus it blows hot air directly at the driver from the gearstick gaiter. I have been fan baked completely. I am drenched, drained and braindead.

Sign of the day: At the start of tunnels in Italy if they want to warn you of anything at the end (high winds, say) they put a sign at the beginning with an icon of the danger (a wind sock, for example) followed by the words 'A FINE TUNNEL'. This looks much more like a review than a caution.

The house, though is absolutely incredible. and the view is stunning... I'll take a picture when I can work out how my body functions. In the meantime, these are from the house's website: